Governments and municipal corporations are unsuccessful in getting rid of mosquitoes know facts

Governments and municipal corporations are unsuccessful in getting rid of mosquitoes know facts

Most deaths in the world are caused by mosquitoes. During the rainy season, these mosquitoes also become the cause of many diseases. In such a situation, do you know how much money is spent in every house in India to drive away mosquitoes? The figures may surprise you. 49 percent of the houses in India spend this much to repel mosquitoes In India, 49 percent of the households spend Rs 2,400 every year to repel mosquitoes. 37 percent of the households spend even more money to repel mosquitoes. In India,…

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Do mosquitoes bite people who drink beer more? This was revealed in a study

Do mosquitoes bite people who drink beer more? This was revealed in a study

With the arrival of monsoon in the country, it is raining heavily in many states. Due to rain and waterlogging in many states including the capital Delhi, the number of mosquitoes and the diseases spread by them are increasing. But do you know that mosquitoes bite beer drinkers more than ordinary people. Yes, why do mosquitoes bite beer drinkers more, today we will tell you the reason behind this.    Mosquitoes The outbreak of mosquitoes has increased in the rainy season. Along with this, the risk of spreading dangerous diseases…

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Know about that country where there are neither mosquitoes nor snakes! The environment here is like this

Know about that country where there are neither mosquitoes nor snakes! The environment here is like this

Many countries of the world are troubled by diseases caused by mosquitoes and deaths caused by snake bites. Mosquitoes cause deaths every year where about 7,00,000 deaths occur, On the other hand, snake bite causes approximately 50 60 thousand people lose their lives every year. In such a situation, do you know about a country where you will not find a single mosquito or snake or any insect? Today we are going to tell you about one such country. There is neither a single mosquito nor a single snake in…

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