The world’s most expensive rice, the price of 1 kg is this much, 7 people will eat the ration for a month, know what is special

The world’s most expensive rice, the price of 1 kg is this much, 7 people will eat the ration for a month, know what is special

An important part of the daily diet of us Indians comes from rice and wheat. Indians have been including these grains in their diet as carbohydrates. This is the reason why rice and wheat of different ranges and prices are available in the market. From there we select grains according to our budget and needs. Generally, the price of good and premium quality rice can be around Rs 100-200 per kg. However, the variety of rice we are going to tell you about today is sold at 100 times its…

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Hesawi hassawi red rice most expensive rice in the world most costliest rice than basmati rice

Hesawi hassawi red rice most expensive rice in the world most costliest rice than basmati rice

Till now you would think that the world glows only with the fragrance of Basmati rice produced in India, but it is not so. A special type of rice is produced in one of the most desert countries of the world, which is the most expensive in the world. The rich of the world eat it very fondly. It has many beneficial elements which makes it the most special rice in the world. With extreme heat, a lot of water is required for its production. But, India and probably all…

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