Most weird news in hindi

The woman who gave birth to the son, has now become the mother of his child! Not only grandmother but mother will also say granddaughter

One gets to hear about many such strange relationships around the world, about which it…

Man from future claims, aliens will capture Earth in February, human bones will be found on Mars

If someone tells you that destruction is going to come on the earth in a…

A five-year-old girl became an ‘elephant’, the mother had to lock the kitchen, know the reason

A research paper was recently published in the Journal Pediatrics, according to which, the number…

Why the packets of crisp chips remain half empty, they contain gas or air, the expert told the reason

A study was conducted in the past which showed that on an average 72 percent…

The woman provoked the lion, then what she did is painful, you will be shocked to know

It is said that one should not play with animals. And not at all when…

Indian student hoisted the flag here in London instead of the tricolor, people’s anger erupted; Said – this dangerous trend

Usually during the convocation ceremony, when we go to get the degree, we are polite…

Stepped on the moon 54 years ago, now married at the age of 93, know who this person is

Buzz Aldrin, the second person in the world to step on the moon, has married…