Treasure was found from the grave of this king, it took more than 10 years to count.

‘Valley of Kings’ It is an area of ​​Egypt where the tombs of dozens of royal rulers or Pharoahs of ancient Egypt are present. Let us tell you that this valley is located in the southern part of Egypt, just west of the Nile River. Not only this, it is the ‘apple of the eye&rsquo of archaeologists around the world. Is. Apart from Egypt, renowned archaeologists from America to Europe have been exploring the ‘Valley of Kings’ for hundreds of years. Trying to reach the secrets and treasures buried beneath.…

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Here saints used to drink poison, had a desire to be alive after millions of years, the real reason will surprise you

highlights These saints of the 9th century used to take Samadhi in a special way. He used to drink poison for several days before samadhi. After Samadhi, they have to come alive again after millions of years. It is said about Japan that it is a country far ahead of its time. The people here have made such technological developments and experiments that it is said that it will take a long time for the rest of the world to match Japan. But apart from this, there is a history…

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Over 2000 Mummified Sheep Heads Unearthed In Egypt

It is not surprising to find mummies in Egypt. But, archaeologists have now found mummies of more than 2000 sheep’s heads here. These heads of sheep were left as offerings in the building of Pharaoh Ramses II. This information has been given by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. A team of American archaeologists from New York University also discovered mummies of dogs, goats, cows, gazelle and mongoose at Abydos in southern Egypt, famous for its temples and tombs. Iskandar Sameh, the head of the American mission, says that the…

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