Stickers with QR code found on 1000 tombs, puzzles entangled by scanning code, police also turned around!

Stickers with QR code found on 1000 tombs, puzzles entangled by scanning code, police also turned around!

Last updated:February 21, 2025, 20:31 IST The sensation has spread due to the found stickers with QR code on a thousand tombs of 3 cemeteries of a big city. The police is investigating, but the stickers have not been detected yet. At the same time, there have been some indications that …Read more Surprisingly, the police could not find out how the QR code got into the cemetery. (Symbolic photo) Highlights QR code stickers were found at 1000 graves in 3 cemeteries of Munich. On scanning the QR code, the…

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S jaishankar shows inked finger on democracy discussion in munich security conference

S jaishankar shows inked finger on democracy discussion in munich security conference

S jaishanakar: India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar on Friday set a strong example of the strength of democratic values ​​in India during an event in Munich. In response to a question related to democracy, he showed his ink finger and told how democracy is completely safe in India. S Jaishankar reached Germany directly after a US tour on Friday. Here he was to participate in the Munich Security Conference. Democracy was discussed in a session of this conference. During this time, when S Jaishankar was asked a question related to…

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