Holi party was just an excise businessman could not understand his wife’s guerous Intenses – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Holi party was just an excise businessman could not understand his wife’s guerous Intenses – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{“_ID”: “67d8b55f93f8461e40640bb”, “slug”: “holi-party-just-just-axcuse-businessman-un-un-un-knot-nedresstan D-His-Wife-S-Murderous-Intements-2025-03-18 “,” Type “:” Feature-Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Up: The party of Holi was an excuse, the businessman could not understand the bloody intentions of the wife; then the corpse … “Category”: {“Title”: “City & States”, “Title_HN”: “City and State”, “Slug”: “Slog”: “CITY-G-States”}} The name of her lover along with his wife has also surfaced in a conspiracy to kill the businessman husband. The case has been revealed in police interrogation. Police takes the file photo and corpse of the deceased –…

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A young man was shot dead in shahjamal, aligarh – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

A young man was shot dead in shahjamal, aligarh – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{“_ID”: “67D3cf91976596ADE820”, “Slug”: “a-ie-man-was-shot-dead-in-shahja Mal-Aligarh-2025-03-14 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Aligarh News: Rojedar young man shot dead, seven bullets, police investigations “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_HN “:” City and state “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” City-D-States “}} Amar Ujala Network, Aligarh Published by: Chaman Sharma Updated Fri, 14 Mar 2025 12:11 pm IST Some youths came on bikes and fired eight-nine bullets on Arish. The bullets caused sensation in the area. Arish died after being shot. Forensic team…

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Girlfriend Burnt by Petrol Dies during treatment – agra news

Girlfriend Burnt by Petrol Dies during treatment – agra news

{“_ID”: “67d1e46245d931509a002e63”, “Slug”: “Girlfriend-burnt-by-peetrol-deuring-treatment-mathu RA-NEWS-C-C-29-1-MTR1013-367890-2025-03-13 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Girlfriend Death: The lover came to meet a sari, such a scandal went on the go, “Category”: {“Title”: “City & States”, “Title_HN”: “City and state”, “Slug”: “Slug”: “City-Retates”}} The lover who came to meet a sari to meet his girlfriend carried out a dreadful incident. He put petrol and burnt it. The girlfriend was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, where she died two days later during treatment. People gathered on Maike…

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Programmer’s Murder: Father’s Sad Cry Tore My Heart Sister Became Unconscious – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Programmer’s Murder: Father’s Sad Cry Tore My Heart Sister Became Unconscious – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{“_ID”: “67cfd97b90dfaf2d30d9160”, “Slug”: “Programmer-S-Murder-Father-S-Sad-Sad-Cry-Tore-My-MY-Heart-SIST Er-BECAME-Unconscious-2025-03-11 “,” Type “:” Feature-Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Programmer Murdered: Now who will take to the doctor … Karun was ripping the father’s call, sister, “Category”, “Category”: {“Title”: “City & States”, “Title_HN”: “City and state”, “Slug”: “Slug”: “CITY-States”}} When the corpse reached home after the murder of a 24 -year -old programmer Siddhant in Agra, the father’s eyes flooded with tears. He was repeatedly said that ‘now who will take me to the doctor, everything was looted.’ At the same time, Siddhant’s…

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Celebrating India’s Victory in Finals then a B.Tech Student brutally murdered by stabbing

Celebrating India’s Victory in Finals then a B.Tech Student brutally murdered by stabbing

{“_ID”: “67ce50a9a04bf20cc0b49d”, “Slug”: “Celebrating-India-S-Victory-IN-FINALS–toch-Tech-Tech-STUDENT-Brutall Y-murdered-by-stabbing-him-with-a-knife-2025-03-10 “,” Type “:” Feature-Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Publish, “Title_HN”: “Up: India’s victory in the final was celebrated … Then the BTech student attacked, so brutally murdered with a knife “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” CITY-G-States “}} BTech student was watching India-New Zealand final match on mobile. Then he was murdered with a knife. During this time his friends were also attacked, they somehow survived. Police…

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Son Fell on the ground bleeding, but they kept stabbing

Son Fell on the ground bleeding, but they kept stabbing

{“_ID”: “67CD05A0856759e90C053F90”, “Slug”: “Son-Fell-on-on-on-the-graund-boleeding-but-but-but-toy-kept-stabbing-him-wireh -Knife-San-Killed-in-Front-of-Mother-2025-03-09 “,” Type “:” Feature-Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Up: The son fell on the ground after being bled, yet kept adopting with a knife … son’s murder in front of the mother’s eyes “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & states “,” Title_hn “:” Title_hn “:” City and state “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” CITY-States “}} In the Basouni area of ​​Bah, the brothers were attacked by entering the house and attacked when both of them were eating. The piece of…

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Best Movies on Intimacy Physical Relationship And Love Making Scenes Kama Sutra Murder to Fire Rekha Shabana Azmi Azmi Imran Hashmi

Best Movies on Intimacy Physical Relationship And Love Making Scenes Kama Sutra Murder to Fire Rekha Shabana Azmi Azmi Imran Hashmi

Best movies on intimacy: As soon as the name of intemacy, physical relationship, smooch and kissing is associated with a film, it is assumed that this Vulgar film is going to happen. But many such films have been made in Bollywood, in which there was openness and the intemsy was shown more than a limit. However, despite this, these films were not vulgar, but such scenes were shown in Artistic Way. That is, you do not feel obscene after seeing you. Today we know about similar films here. Kamasutra (kama…

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Amroha: Girl was killed by strangling her mouth, confirmed in postmortem report, police kept dna safe – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Amroha: Girl was killed by strangling her mouth, confirmed in postmortem report, police kept dna safe – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{“_ID”: “67C9B869F6BF6CC8A503C3BC”, “Slug”: “Amroha-Girl-WAS-Killed-BY-STRGLINGLING-HER-Her-Her-Hoth-Confirmed-post Mortem-Report-POLICE-Kept-DNA-SAFE-2025-03-06 “,” Type “:” Feature-Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Identification No: Woman killed by pressing, confirmed in post-mortem report, police kept DNA safe “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and state “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” City-and STATATES “}} Dialogue News Agency, Mandi Dhanaura/Bachharayun Published by: Vimal Sharma Updated Thu, 06 Mar 2025 08:30 PM IST The woman’s body was found four days ago near Bachraun railway station. The post -mortem report has revealed the murder…

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Chaos at Its Peak in Bangladesh Yunus Government BNP Leader Beated to Death

Chaos at Its Peak in Bangladesh Yunus Government BNP Leader Beated to Death

Bangladesh ruckus: Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader Mohammad Babul Mia was brutally beaten to death on Friday (February 21, 2025) afternoon. The incident once again brought the interim government led by Mohammad Yunus into the circle of questions, which have been accused of failing to control chaos. According to local media reports, this unfortunate incident took place on Friday afternoon at Dhamarai Upazila in Dhaka. Babylon’s wife Yasmin Begum said, “The attackers beat him with sticks and SS pipes, causing him to be seriously injured. When he burst both of…

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Pakistan Anger Over Death of 13 Year Old Child Maid for Stealing Chocolate in Rwalpindi

Pakistan Anger Over Death of 13 Year Old Child Maid for Stealing Chocolate in Rwalpindi

Murder of Minor girl in Pakistan: A heartbreaking incident has come to light from Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where a 13 -year -old domestic med was brutally murdered on charges of chocolate theft. Since this incident, there is resentment in the whole country and people are demanding severe punishment for the accused. The deceased has been identified as Iqra, who was the daughter of Sana Ullah, a poor farmer. Due to financial constraints, he was sent to do domestic work at the age of 8. For the last two years, she was…

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