The world’s most expensive mushroom, the price per kilogram is enough to host a grand party!

Mushrooms are considered one of the healthiest vegetables all over the world. Dieticians will also enumerate its benefits. There are many types of mushrooms found in the world and among them there are many mushrooms whose price is not just one-two thousand rupees per kg but in lakhs. Today we will tell you about one such mushroom, which is considered one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world. Some mushrooms are so rare that their price starts touching the sky. Many such mushrooms are found not only abroad but…

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This vegetable also made the taste of mutton fail, it is available only for 8 days in a year, it is a medicine for health, also know 5 big benefits

highlights Tetanus mushroom is a species of mushroom, which grows under the Sakhua tree in the forest. Its vegetable is as tasty as it is in food, it is equally beneficial for health. Tetanus mushroom: To keep health healthy, it is very important to pay special attention to food and drink. Especially vegetarian people. Because in vegetarian people only healthy food can supply nutrients in the body. In such a situation, if you are also a vegetarian, then today we will talk about such a vegetable, which is beneficial for…

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Mashroom Wala Biscuit: If you are fond of eating biscuits then change your taste, because ‘Mushroom Wala Biscuit’ has come in the market

Satyam Kumar / Bhagalpur. Till now you must have eaten mushroom curry, mushroom pickle, mushroom samosa etc. But now you will be able to eat mushroom biscuits too. In fact, the mushroom biscuit attracted a lot of people in the industry fair held at Resham Bhavan in the district. Biscuit of Golden Kumar, which arrived from Pusa in Samastipur district of Bihar, is getting a lot of praise. Biscuits are made from mushrooms, not from golden flour or flour. According to Golden Key, after completing his studies, he had gone…

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If You Want To Avoid Heatstroke And Dehydration Eat These Vegetables Every Day In Summer

Hydrating Fruits And Vegetables For Summer: The hot, sizzling summer season has arrived. This is such a season in which you need to drink water more than eat. Because the problem of heat stroke and dehydration is quite common in this season. It is advised to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Sometimes just drinking water is not enough, but consuming water-rich fruits and vegetables is also necessary for health. For this, you can include fruits and vegetables like watermelon, tomato, cucumber, mushroom in your diet, the amount of…

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Include These Food Items In Your Diet To Overcome Deficiency Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D Rich Food: It is very important to have essential vitamins in the body to stay healthy, one of them is Vitamin D. It is important for the absorption of calcium. In addition, it plays an important role in promoting bone growth and bone remodeling. It helps regulate cell growth, boost the immune system, and prevent inflammation in the body. The sun is a natural source of vitamin D. Source. Just a few minutes of exposure to sunlight can significantly increase your Vitamin D levels, yet more than 40%…

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Reduce Signs Of Aging Through Mushrooms

Health Benefits of Mushroom: Mushrooms are found everywhere from kitchen to forest. Even in relation to your beauty routine, mushrooms are beneficial in many ways. By using this, your skin also brightens up a lot. In winter, our skin shrinks, or the signs of wrinkles start appearing. In such a situation, many people try to correct the skin by applying oil, soap, serum, hair mask, cream and many more. But even after this the skin is not perfect. Today, in this article, we will tell you that if you include…

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