Keep children away from TV and mobile, otherwise they will develop myopia, the risk of this disease has increased three times in 20 years.

Keep children away from TV and mobile, otherwise they will develop myopia, the risk of this disease has increased three times in 20 years.

Nowadays, children spend most of their time watching TV or playing games on mobile, due to which their eye health is being adversely affected. Myopia, which is the problem of blurred vision of near objects, has increased threefold in the last 20 years. This not only weakens their vision but also hinders their studies. Therefore, children should not be allowed to spend too much time in front of the screen. Let us know about this disease.. Know what is myopia?Myopia is a common eye problem, commonly known as ‘nearsightedness’. Known…

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Myopia Symptoms Using Digital Screens In Children Is Causing Myopia Disease

Myopia Symptoms Using Digital Screens In Children Is Causing Myopia Disease

Myopia Symptoms: Eyes are the sensitive part of the body. If there is even the slightest problem in them, there is a need to be alerted immediately. Use of mobile has become a big part in today’s lifestyle. Use laptop, TV and other digital screens. Apart from elders, mobiles are also seen in the hands of children. Children either play games on mobile or watch cartoons of their choice. But do you know that this hobby of children is also making their eyes sick. Children are now becoming victims of…

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Screentime Spending More Than 8 Hours On Screen Can Cause Several Eye Related Problems Know How You Can Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Screentime Spending More Than 8 Hours On Screen Can Cause Several Eye Related Problems Know How You Can Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Screen Time: Technology is changing with time and today it has also become our need. Today it is difficult for any person to spend a day without a smartphone, laptop and tablet. From education to the biggest business, everything is being done through these gadgets. On one hand, where the major contribution of these gadgets is in improving our life, on the other hand, there are many disadvantages as well. Actually, due to spending hours on laptop, computer and mobile phone, people’s ability to see their eyes is ending. According…

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