Women avoid consuming cold food during periods know the myths and facts

Women avoid consuming cold food during periods know the myths and facts

Should you avoid eating cold things like ice cream, cold drinks during periods. Many people grow up listening to this, drinking cold water complains of stomach ache and cramps. This can also cause problems of eragular periods. Due to which there can also be problems in blood circulation. But is there any scientific region of these things? Eating cold things during periods harmful? There is such a myth in Asian cultures that drinking cold things or drinks during periods causes a shock to the body. This affects the flows ofโ€ฆ

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There are many myths about menstruation know about full details

There are many myths about menstruation know about full details

There are many myths about periods in our Indian society. Like donโ€™t touch pickles, donโ€™t go to the temple, donโ€™t go to the kitchen during periods. One of these is that one should not bathe too much during periods. These things are often said by the elders of our house that what should be done and what should not be done during periods? When you ask them what is the connection with bathing during periods? Then the direct answer to this is that the body starts getting cold due toโ€ฆ

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Its not necessary to avoid bathing during your period know about myths and facts

Its not necessary to avoid bathing during your period know about myths and facts

Do not eat sour things during periods, womenโ€™s blood is dirty during periods, if you use a menstrual cup then you risk losing your virginity, are some common myths related to periods. Another myth is that women should not wash their hair during menstruation as it can affect their chances of pregnancy. Also, there is a myth that one should not take bath during periods? Because it can cause many problems. Letโ€™s find out what is the truth behind these myths? We know that it usually starts when grandma, grannyโ€ฆ

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