Genetics can increase your risk of heart attack know about myths vs facts

Genetics can increase your risk of heart attack know about myths vs facts

Whenever you go to the doctor regarding any disease, the doctor first asks you whether anyone in your family has had this disease before or not? Apart from many factors, there can be a genetic reason for heart disease. . Today we will talk in detail about the genetic connection of heart disease. When family members pass traits from one generation to the next through genes. So that process is called genetic cause. Play some role in high BP, heart disease and other related conditions. It is also likely that…

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Myths Vs Facts: Should a pregnant woman sleep on her left side? Know what is the whole truth

Myths Vs Facts: Should a pregnant woman sleep on her left side? Know what is the whole truth

Pregnant women should sleep on their left side as it can be beneficial for the child. Sleeping on the left side increases blood circulation in the fetus, uterus, kidney and heart. This can help your baby get more nutrients. Sleeping on your left side can reduce pressure on your liver and the large vein that carries blood from your legs back to your heart. Sleeping on your back or right side can reduce the risk of stillbirth. , there is a higher risk of underweight, reduced fetal growth and preeclampsia.…

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you can get pregnant if you use a condom know about myths and facts

you can get pregnant if you use a condom know about myths and facts

Especially in India, our understanding of sex is shaped by what we see on TV and films. Apart from all this, it would have been made up of what I heard from friends and some strange conversations with my parents. Along with understanding, many myths are also formed in the mind regarding this. Especially myths about contraceptives like IUDs and condoms. When you are sexually active. Whether it’s your first time or your first time with a new partner, it’s important to talk about contraception. Facts 1: Male condom is…

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Health Tips family history of cancer can get cancer know myths and facts about cancer

Health Tips family history of cancer can get cancer know myths and facts about cancer

Cancer Myths Vs Facts: There are many diseases which are passed on from generation to generation in a family because they are genetic. Like, it is said about diabetes that this disease affects many members of a family because it is genetic. Similarly, it is said about cancer that if a family member has cancer, then there is a high chance that other members can also become its victims. Due to this, a kind of fear sets in among people and many patients lose the courage to fight it even…

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