Nagaur News: Farmer is cultivating rabi crop with innovation without tube, know the benefits

Nagaur News: Farmer is cultivating rabi crop with innovation without tube, know the benefits

Report: Krishna Kumar Nagaur. Rajasthan is the largest state of India. Rajasthan is called the museum of minerals. But despite being a museum of minerals, the problem of water remains in Rajasthan. There is a problem of water in Rajasthan, especially in western Rajasthan. But still here the farmers do farming with new methods. Today we are going to introduce such a farmer of Nagaur who is doing farming using innovative method to cultivate Rabi crop. The same has been done by farmer Tajiram of Lalwas village of Nagaur. Those…

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Nagaur News: When the teacher reached sister’s house with rice, got two daughters married, know the whole matter

Nagaur News: When the teacher reached sister’s house with rice, got two daughters married, know the whole matter

Nagaur. In Degana’s Sanju, government school teachers spent lakhs of rupees in the marriage of two daughters of a widowed assistant worker. Here, amidst patriotic songs, female teachers sang Myra songs and Sanju reached Antrauli Kala on the tune of DJ. The villagers were surprised by the unique initiative of the teachers of Sarada Government School located in Sanju. Let me tell you that this has happened for the first time in Nagaur district. When the teachers have filled the myra of one lakh eleven thousand for their partner. Let…

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