Power Nap in Afternoon: Just 10 minutes of sleep in the afternoon will make you fit and fine, know what science says about it?

Afternoon Nap Benefits: Often people have a question in their mind whether one should sleep in the afternoon or not? Can a short nap be taken after lunch or are there any disadvantages to it? Regarding this, experts believe that sleeping for a while in the afternoon can be beneficial. It is beneficial for overall health. It provides mental and physical benefits (Afternoon Nap Benefits). However, some things should also be kept in mind during this period. What are the benefits of sleeping in the afternoon? Heart health remains…

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Before going to bed, you use your phone or watch web series… so be careful.

Sleeping Tips:Sleeping is as important for our body as eating and drinking. To stay healthy, it is equally important to have good sleep along with good eating habits. Sleep is helpful in both recovery and development of our body. Due to lack of sleep, our body starts suffering from fatigue and headache. This problem can even increase the risk of migraine headache. Not only this, being a victim of insomnia increases the risk of many risks like high BP, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.  We adopt many such…

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Things You Should Not Do After Having Food

Things You Should Not Do After Meal: Often we take special care of our food. Because even a slight disturbance in it can harm the health. But many times after eating nutritious and good food, we make some such mistakes which adversely affect our health. You feel tired after eating healthy food. There is a problem of vomiting and diarrhoea. When this happens, people feel that there is something wrong with their diet. But this happens because of some of your unhealthy habits. Today we are going to tell you…

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