Russian satellite breaks into 100 pieces where Sunita Williams is stuck in space Nasa mission

Space Mission: Recently, a terrible and big incident has happened in space, which has also affected Indian-origin American scientist Sunita Williams. This incident has put scientists and astronauts around the world in serious concern. In fact, a Russian satellite, RESURS-P1 (#39186), was already inactive and on June 26, 2024, it broke into more than 100 pieces and spread in space. This incident is so worrying and dangerous that due to this the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) had to take emergency shelter. Impact on Sunita Williams The biggest…

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427 meter big asteroid coming towards earth speed is 26562 km per hour if it collides with earth there will be devastation

Asteroid Coming Towards Earth: These days, NASA scientists are keeping an eye on a very large asteroid, which is moving very fast towards the Earth. Scientists say that this planet will pass close to the Earth on June 11. Scientists have named this asteroid 2024 CR29. It is 1400 feet i.e. about 427 meters big in size and is moving towards the Earth at a speed of 26,562 kilometers per hour. Scientists claim that if this body collides with the Earth at this speed, then there will be devastation in…

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Earth-like planet found in distant space, seen shining like the moon, temperature measured for the first time

Scientists have been searching for a planet like Earth for years. That means where there is possibility of life. But till now they have not found any such planet. Yes, some planets have definitely been discovered where there may be a possibility of life. American space agency NASA has discovered a similar planet in distant space. It looks exactly like the Earth. Looks shining like the moon, but it has no atmosphere. Therefore this claim that there is a possibility of life here proves to be empty. According to the…

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America Odysseus lander lands on Moon south pole NASA said sending weak signal

America Moon Mission: Commercial American spacecraft Odysseus Lunar Lander has successfully landed on the South Pole of the Moon while sending signals, but information has been received about sending weak signals. Intuitive Machines, a private company engaged in this mission, said that a commercial spacecraft landed near the south pole of the Moon, but the controller was receiving signals from the hexagon-shaped lander Odysseus. The photo of the Odysseli lander has also been shared by Intuitive Machines. “We are trying to understand the signals we are receiving from the Odysseus…

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Turkiye’s first astronaut including 4-member team reaches International Space Station

International Space Station: Texas-based startup company Axiom Space has sent a 4-member team, including Turkey’s first astronaut, to the International Space Station. All these passengers reached the International Space Station on Saturday morning in a capsule rocket. All the passengers have gone to the space station at their own personal expense. According to a report, for this latest mission, all the passengers took off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on Thursday evening in a capsule-like rocket. After about 37 hours the capsule reached the International Space Station. According to the…

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NASA Researcher Find That Earth Temperature Get Increased In Year 2022 After 2015

NASA Research: According to a research by the American Space Agency NASA, the average surface temperature of the Earth in 2022 was recorded as the fifth warmest year after 2015. NASA has termed the situation as dangerous. Scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York reported that global temperatures in 2022 were 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit (0.89 degrees Celsius) higher than NASA’s baseline time (1951-1980) average. NASA’s Bill Nelson said, “This summer is dangerous. Our warming climate is already showing signs of danger. It is causing wildfires.…

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Solar Flare: Sun rocked by explosion, 1 lakh hydrogen bomb-like blast occurred on the surface, know what is the reason

Solar Flare: The sun is the only source of energy in our vast solar system. Recently, the largest solar flare has been seen rising on the surface of the sun in the last four years. The Space Weather Prediction Center said that "AR 2838" The explosion occurred from a sunspot called AR 2838 is believed to be the biggest solar flare explosion in four years so far. It has been officially placed in the category of X1.5. This is being seen as a new solar cycle. Sunspot was present in the…

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