National Livestock Mission Yojana Government Approves Inclusion Of Additional Activities

National Livestock Mission Yojana Government Approves Inclusion Of Additional Activities

National Livestock Mission: Animal husbandry is the biggest source of income for farmers in India after farming. The Government of India tries to increase the income of cattle herders with the help of various projects. The positive impact of these efforts is also visible. Keeping this in view, the National Livestock Mission Scheme was started in 2014. The scheme was restructured in 2021-22. Through which emphasis is laid on increasing the income of cattle herders. This scheme was amended by the Central Government on Wednesday (21 February). This will increase…

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Gokul Mission Yojana Provide 50% Subsidy On Cow, Buffalo, Pig, Chicken And Goat Farm Breeding And Silage Making Units

Gokul Mission Yojana Provide 50% Subsidy On Cow, Buffalo, Pig, Chicken And Goat Farm Breeding And Silage Making Units

National Gokul Mission Scheme: After farming, animal husbandry and dairy business have worked to increase the income of the farmers. Seeing the ever-increasing profits in the dairy sector, youth and professionals from the cities are now joining this business. The increasing demand for milk and dairy products has opened the way for success in this business. The government is working on many schemes to provide employment opportunities to more and more people from this business. Now soon 50% subsidy will also be made available to the farmers for this business.…

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NO MSP On Chicken Replied Govt In Lok Sabha And Know About Poultry Farming Business Subsidy Scheme

NO MSP On Chicken Replied Govt In Lok Sabha And Know About Poultry Farming Business Subsidy Scheme

Poultry Farming Scheme: Like agriculture and milch animal husbandry, now poultry business has also become an important part of rural economy. The increasing demand for eggs and chicken in the country and the world has made this business profitable. Now farmers, villagers and new youth are earning very good money by joining poultry farming. The government also gives subsidy for this business under the National Livestock Mission, but do you know that during the Corona epidemic, when the whole world was in disarray, there was a huge loss in the…

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