Navratri fasting

What is ‘Sama rice’ eaten during fasting? It is a storehouse of nutrition, even diabetics can eat it.

Same rice: Samak rice or Sama rice, this rice eaten during fasting is known by…

Chaitra Navratri 2024 food guide What to eat and avoid while fasting

Benefits of Navratri Fasting: We worship Goddess Durga for 9 days of Navratri. During this…

Feast on This Fasting Friendly Fruit Platter During Navratri to Keep Your Energy

This year Navratri is starting from 9th April i.e. tomorrow, which is a special time…

If diabetic patients are fasting during Navratri, then keep these things in mind, the problem will not increase.

Navratri Fast: Chaitra Navratri is going to start from 9th April. During Navratri, which lasts…

Chaitra Navratri 2023 Fasting Rules For Pregnant Women Follow These Tips During Nine Days Vrat

Navratri Fasting Rules For Pregnant Women: Today is the third day of the nine-day festival…

Chaitra Navratri 2023 Keep These 4 Things In Mind Before Fasting

Chaitra Navratri 2023: One of the most important festivals of Hinduism, Chaitra Navratri is also…