There is pain in the neck, know whether hot or cold fomentation, what will give relief?

Neck Pain: Fomentation is very effective in relieving pain. There are two types of irrigation. First hot and second cold fomentation. The work of both irrigations is different. Many times, after having neck pain, one does not understand whether to apply hot or cold fomentation. Experts believe that there is no evidence whether heat therapy or cold therapy is better for any pain. However, cold compress is recommended on new injuries and swelling. Whereas hot fomentation is done to reduce swelling, stiffness and tension. Which therapy is better for neck…

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​Over 690 Universities And 34 Thousand Colleges Running Without NAAC Accreditation

NAAC Accreditation: Every child of the country has the right to quality education, whether it is about primary education or higher education. Keeping this in mind, NEP 2020 has been brought. On the other hand, if we talk on the other hand, more than 650 universities and more than 34 thousand colleges of the country are running without the recognition of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Actually, the work of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council is to test the quality of universities and colleges across the country and…

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Cancer Symptoms Of Types Of Silent Cancers

Silent Cancers: Most of the symptoms of cancer are not visible in the beginning and that is why people start taking stomach pain or back pain lightly, although it is not that every pain in stomach and back can be the beginning of cancer. But then you need to be careful. Suffering from any problem for a long time is not the solution. That is why it is necessary to show any problem in time. The most dangerous form of silent cancer is that it is not detected in the…

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Do Not Ignore These Initial Symptoms Of Oral Cancer Considering It As A Minor Disease

Oral Cancer Symptoms: Disease like cancer kills half of the people who eat tobacco. There are many forms in which tobacco is used such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, cigars and chewing (smokeless) tobacco. Tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption are the main causes of cancer in developing countries. More than 80% of cancer cases in India are due to consumption of tobacco and alcohol. Elderly and young people are using tobacco for many reasons. If the consumption of these things continues then the situation will worsen with more and more…

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