why does a person not remember many things after drinking alcohol Know the reason

why does a person not remember many things after drinking alcohol Know the reason

Liquor, It affects the human mind in many ways. One of these is weakening of memory. It is often seen that after drinking alcohol, people are unable to remember the events of the previous night, this phenomenon is called blackout. Let us know why this happens, Also read: Why are scientists talking about deafening male mosquitoes? Know what is this method to eliminate dengue strain What is the effect of alcohol on the brain, Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. (depressant) Is, This means that it slows down brain…

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How does the heart of a boy and a girl behave when stress increases? This study told

How does the heart of a boy and a girl behave when stress increases?  This study told

This is an interesting question that how would the heart react when stress increases? Even more interesting is whether the heart also gives a different reaction according to male-female. According to a research published in ‘Science Advances’, boys and girls are quite different from each other in terms of heart. Actually, it has been clearly said in this research that whenever a boy or a girl is stressed about something, they give very different reactions from each other. If a boy or a girl is stressed about anything, then at…

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