People who work on the harm caused by cigarettes have urged chain smokers to give up this habit by the year 2025. This is said because researchers have found that smoking cigarettes reduces 20 minutes of life. Researchers at University College London found that on average one cigarette cuts about 20 minutes off a person’s life, which means a pack of 20 cigarettes can shorten a person’s life by about seven hours. One cigarette reduces 20 minutes of life According to the analysis, if a smoker smokes 10 cigarettes a…
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Drinking bottled water could lead to several health problems
Research conducted over the past few years found that on an average, 240,000 plastic particles are found in a one liter water bottle. This is a very worrying figure, because one liter of tap water contains on average 5.5 plastic particles. Nanoplastics have been linked to cancer, birth defects and reproductive problems. Nanoplastics are dangerous because of their small size – allowing them to enter blood cells and the brain directly. The plastics used to make bottles commonly contain phthalates, which have been linked to various health problems. According to…
Read Moreplastic is used for food packaging increases the risk of breast cancer research reveals
Nowadays every food item in the market is wrapped in plastic. Most of the food items come in plastic packaging which you can comfortably heat and eat. But do you know that this bad habit of yours can make you seriously ill. To stop this, you should take some special steps. According to a research published in ‘Frontiers of Toxicology’, everyday used items like plastic and cardboard pose health risks in many ways. 80 percent plastic packaging Nowadays, most of the things we eat contain 80 percent plastic packaging in…
Read Morethe predicted spike in male cancer diagnoses and fatalities by 2050 read full article in hindi
Cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the whole world, every year millions of people die from this disease. This is a disease that has no limits, it can happen to anyone at any age. It is such a dangerous disease that it can affect the socio-economic background of the entire family. However, a recent research has raised a lot of concern about it, by the year 2050, the number of deaths due to cancer in men is going to…
Read Moreharmful effects of drinking water in plastic bottles know about full details
Plastic Bottle Water Storage: When we are out, we think it is better to buy bottled water and drink it when we feel thirsty. But very few people know that this is extremely dangerous for health. Drinking water in a plastic bottle is no less than consuming poison. A recent study has revealed something shocking. A one-litre water bottle contains about 2,40,000 pieces of plastic. If you are drinking water from a normal one-litre water bottle, you might be drinking plastic pieces. You might also be drinking plastic particles. Is…
Read MoreNeptune And Uranus Are Not Blue, New Research Reveals Their True Color
All the planets of the solar system are very different, but similarities are also seen in many planets. There are many similarities between Earth and Mars, while Earth and Venus have some similarities despite having many differences. Something similar happens in the planets Uranus and Neptune also. In fact, a new research in Britain has revealed that the color of the last planets of the solar system, Neptune and Uranus, is not blue. What does the research say? Now a new research has been done under the leadership of British…
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