will smartphones be vanished what thing will replace the smartphone in future know the answer

Smartphones Future: The telephone was invented in the year 1876. Almost 100 years later, in 1973, the world’s first mobile phone was made. Since then the mobile phone has transformed into a smartphone. If we talk about the world today, there are around 9 billion mobile phones. Which is more than the total population of the world. Will smartphones always be in use? Or some new technology will replace them. Let us know what is the future of smartphones and what can smartphones be replaced with. Will smartphones end? The…

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First experiment of brain chip fails! Musk’s company Neuralink said – there is a fault in the chip, will try again

The first experiment of implanting a chip in the human brain seems to have failed. Last month, Elon Musk’s company Neuralink had surgically implanted this brain chip in the brain of a person. It was claimed that blind people would be able to see through the chip. Paralysis patients will be able to walk and also operate computers. The company named this chip ‘Link’. The company had also shared a video, in which this person was seen operating the computer through a chip. But now the company says that there…

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Artificial Intelligence The Alan Turing Institute Research AI Could take over 84 percent government jobs

Artificial Intelligence: Now every person in the world is aware of Artificial Intelligence (AI). At present, if any term is being discussed the most in the tech world, it is AI. Every day we keep hearing that AI will eat away people’s jobs. Some are considering AI as their friend while others have completely different thinking about it. Many of the jobs we are working on today are such that they may disappear in the future. We are not saying this, but it has been revealed in a recent report.…

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After all what is a brain chip Know how it will work in the human brain

Elon Musk, one of the richest businessmen in the world, has performed a new feat. In fact, his company Neuralink has claimed to implant a brain chip in a human being. Elon Musk told that this process is called telepathy. He told that the disabled people will get the most benefit from this brain chip. Today we will tell you what is brain chip and telepathy and how it works. What’s so special about this chip? • The Neuralink brain chip is the size of a coin. This chip can…

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Will humans become immortal with the help of AI… this scientist predicted

In stories we have heard that God is immortal…He has drunk nectar. But do you know that now humans are also going to become immortal. We are not saying this, but a scientist Ray Kurzweil is saying this. Scientist has claimed that humans will achieve immortality by 2031 with the help of AI. Let us know why Ray Kurzweil is making such a claim and what is the basis of his claim. Who is scientist Ray Kurzweil Ray Kurzweil is a futurist and computer scientist. Many of his predictions have…

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Thinner than hair solar cell has arrived, now electricity will be available from clothes, not from wires. Know what is this new technology.

Technology is changing with time. Earlier, the tasks which used to take hours or days to complete, are now being completed in just a few seconds or minutes. Technology has made life easier for all of us. Meanwhile, a good news related to the field of technology is coming out. Actually, MIT’s researchers have prepared an ultrathin and ultralight solar cell. That is, engineers have discovered a very light and thin solar cell. This solar cell can be used on any surface. The surface on which the solar cell is…

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