new traffic rules will be imposed from 1st june 2024 challan rates increased know the details

New Traffic Rules: If someone wants to drive on the roads in India, then he has to follow the traffic rules made under the Motor Vehicles Act. There is a provision of challan for violation of rules. Along with this, you can also be punished. Meanwhile, new traffic rules will be implemented in the whole of India from tomorrow i.e. 1st June. These new traffic rules have become very strict. Especially the rules for driving for minors have been made more stringent. Now you will have to pay a hefty…

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What Are The White Stripes In The Middle Of The Road Called What Is Their Function

While walking on the road or highway, you must have seen many times that white stripes are made in the middle of the road. Have you ever wondered why this happens. Along with this, there is also a straight yellow line on the side of the roads, today in this article we will tell you about that too. We will also tell you what is the difference between a straight yellow line and two yellow lines and what would it mean if the yellow line is made in pieces. what…

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