Earlier The New Year Used To Start From This Month Not From January

Earlier The New Year Used To Start From This Month Not From January

year 2023 Farewell and arrival of the new year i.e. 2024. New Year is being celebrated all over the world including India. For decades, the New Year starts at 12 midnight as soon as December 31 ends and January 1 begins. But perhaps you will be surprised to know that it has not always been like this. A few decades ago, neither did the New Year start from January 1 nor were there 12 months in the calendar. Rather, the calendar used to be only for 10 months. Now the…

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New Year 2024 Why New Year Celebrate On 1st January Every Year History

New Year 2024 Why New Year Celebrate On 1st January Every Year History

New Year 2024: As soon as the day ends on 31st December 2023, at 12 midnight the world will welcome the year 2024. On this day, the new year is celebrated on 1st January by saying goodbye to the old year, but why does the new year start from 1st January? Have you ever thought. Let us know the history of celebrating New Year on January 1, where it started and how this day became special. Why do we celebrate New Year on 1st January? The calendar was in use…

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List Of Holidays In 2023 See List Of Festivals On Weekends Here

List Of Holidays In 2023 See List Of Festivals On Weekends Here

New Year 2023: Only a few days are left for the year 2023 to begin. As soon as the new year comes, people first of all look at the calendar with great interest and find out which festival is falling on which day. People do their planning according to this and collect complete data from marriages to outings and children’s exams so that further plans can be made. Every year it happens that many festivals fall at the end of the week and these holidays are killed. This year, how…

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New Year 2023 Reason Behind New Year Celebration On 1st January Every Year

New Year 2023 Reason Behind New Year Celebration On 1st January Every Year

New Year 2023: year 2023 Preparations are going on in full swing for the launch. The new year brings a new hope and a ray of hope in life. Every year, by celebrating the night of 31st December, we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year on 1st January, but have you ever wondered why 1st January is considered as the first day of the year. Let us know how the new year started from January 1, what is the history of the new year. Why…

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