Street Food: Looking for the taste of Dahi Jalebi in Moradabad? This is famous Thiya, note the address

Street Food: Looking for the taste of Dahi Jalebi in Moradabad?  This is famous Thiya, note the address

Report: Piyush Sharma Moradabad. If you are looking for special flavors in Moradabad, which is known as brass city all over the world, then there is no shortage. Brass products exported abroad have more than one taste in this city, but the Jalebi here is something else. Surely you must have tasted Jalebis at many places, but here the Jalebi of Raja Bhai’s handcart at the gate of Mandi Committee has a different memory. For the last 20 years, this stall of Jalebi has been running on this stand. Earlier,…

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Farm house villagers caught fisherman cat in the guise of leopard forest ranger told real name of wild animal video viral

Farm house villagers caught fisherman cat in the guise of leopard forest ranger told real name of wild animal video viral

Report: Piyush Sharma Moradabad: A video in Moradabad, UP is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In the viral video, a fishing cat has been imprisoned by the villagers in a cage. The villagers are making his video viral by calling him a leopard. Forest Department officials confirmed this video and said that it is not a leopard but a fisherman’s cat. In Moradabad, the fisher cat that entered the chicken farm was caught by the villagers mistaking it for a leopard and locked it in a cage. The fear…

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