Pakistan Parliament Passed The Resolution Which Demanded To Overturn The Death Sentence Of Former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto nworld

Pakistan Parliament Passed The Resolution Which Demanded To Overturn The Death Sentence Of Former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto nworld

Pakistan Parliament: Pakistan’s Parliament on Wednesday (March 13) passed a resolution demanding reversal of the death sentence given to former Prime Minister and PPP founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The resolution was passed when a few days ago the apex court said that the former Prime Minister was not given a fair trial. Bhutto was hanged in 1979 by the military regime of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. Earlier, on March 6, the High Court, while reviewing the case, said in a unanimous opinion that a fair trial was not conducted in the…

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Pakistan Former Prime Minister Imran Khan Wife Bushra Bibi Life In Danger Said Sister Maryam Riaz Wattoo | Former Pak PM’s wife got spoiled food in jail! Bushra Bibi’s sister said

Pakistan Former Prime Minister Imran Khan Wife Bushra Bibi Life In Danger Said Sister Maryam Riaz Wattoo |  Former Pak PM’s wife got spoiled food in jail!  Bushra Bibi’s sister said

Bushra Bibi: Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Maryam Riaz Wattoo, sister of Bushra Bibi’s wife, claims that her sister’s life is in danger in Bani Gala. The jail officials there misbehave with the sister. Mariam Vattu further told the local news channel ‘Geo News’ – I am very worried about the safety of my sister. The prison authorities are responsible for my sister’s safety but the evidence shows that they have failed to protect her. According to Maryam Riyaz Vattu, after more than 10 days, when sister Bushra’s…

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