World No Tobacco Day 2024 If a chain smoker quits smoking, know what happens to the body harmful effects

Nicotine addiction is the worst. Once someone gets addicted to it, it is very difficult to quit it. Smoking is the biggest cause of death and disease worldwide. Which can be prevented. A person who smokes cigarettes comes in contact with nicotine, carbon monoxide and other gases including tar. Which causes diseases related to lungs, liver, and uterus. Smoking causes respiratory diseases. The risk of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and lung cancer increases. After quitting smoking, some such changes are seen in the body: After quitting smoking, the breath…

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World No Tobacco Day Actor Purab Kohli shares quitting smoking journey

World No Tobacco Day: ‘World No Tobacco Day’ is celebrated every year on 31st May to stop tobacco. Smoking or using tobacco is extremely harmful. Tobacco invites deadly diseases like cancer. People consume tobacco in large quantities because of the mild stimulant present in nicotine. But it can have serious consequences. Along with common people, many famous celebrities also smoke cigarettes. One of these names is model and actor Purab Kohli. Just before World Tobacco Day, Purab told that he started consuming it at the age of just 15. It…

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