Most Sold Mobile Phone In The World Nokia 1100 Price In India Features History

Most Sold Phone: The Nokia 1100 of the once dominant company in the mobile industry is the best selling phone in the world so far. About 250 million (25 crore) units of this phone were sold worldwide. Nokia 1100 was launched in 2003. It was marketed as a simple and durable device. Due to its low cost, long battery life and user-friendly design, its demand rapidly became worldwide. Some special features of Nokia 1100 The Nokia 1100 was a candy-bar style phone with a monochrome display and a compact, lightweight…

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Interesting Facts About Mobile Phones That One Should Know

Interesting facts about mobile phone: Smartphone has become the need of all of us today. Don’t know how many times people use it in a day. Today it has become easy to do every work with the help of smartphone. In just one click, we can get the information of the world through smartphone and internet. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some interesting things related to mobile phones, which you hardly know or you have read them somewhere together. Some interesting things related to…

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