One legged most wanted British crime boss Richard Wakeling arrested after five years on the run

In Britain, a lame has put the government in trouble. The best agencies of the world kept wandering from door to door to catch him, but he kept eluding them for five years. Never came to hand. Meanwhile, he spread his web of terror all over the world. In many countries, his henchmen roam around distributing the goods of death, but no one is able to do anything. He is on Britain’s most wanted list. Many countries have declared him infamous, yet no one was able to braid his hair.…

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The manager hit the female employee ‘jokingly’, had to pay a huge fine of 90 lakhs!

Woman Slapped Behind by Manager Gets Huge Payout: Usually we see people joking with each other, in which sometimes they slap each other unknowingly. Now the issue is whether the next person is comfortable with it or not, it is important to see. One person did not think so, for which he had to pay 90 lakh rupees along with losing his job. It is very important for a person to understand the difference between personal and professional life. Especially when you work with a woman, it becomes even more…

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