The vault of doom is kept here, it contains the ‘treasure’ of many countries

You must have often seen in films that one day doomsday will come and everything will be destroyed . Religious gurus also often mention this. However, people who believe in science do not believe this, But they also agree that at the rate at which man is destroying natural resources, it will not be possible to eat food in a day"s1">-There will definitely be a shortage of drinking water and greenery and it will become difficult for humans to survive. Humans are already preparing for this, For which humans have…

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In Norway the night is only 40 minutes long so how do people complete their sleep

There are many places on earth where such amazing events happen that you will be surprised to hear about them. One such place is Norway. This is the only place on earth where night lasts for only 40 minutes. In such a situation, the question arises that when night lasts for only 40 minutes here, then how do the people of this country sleep. How does this event happen? Norway, a country located in the north of the European continent, is different from other countries of the world in many…

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Salman Momika who burnt Quran is alive in Sweden

Salwan Momika Social Media Post: The news of the death of Salwan Momika, who made headlines by burning the Quran in front of a big mosque in Sweden, has been proved wrong. 10 days ago claims were made that he was found dead in Norway but now he himself posted on social media that he is alive. Salwan Momika told that she is currently in Sweden. Salwan Momika told through X Post, “My friends, I am not well. I am paying the price for freedom and speaking the truth. The…

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Is Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika dead who burnt Quran many times

Salwan Momika News: There is news of the death of Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika, who burnt copies of the Quran several times. It was reported that he was found dead in Norway. On Tuesday (April 2, 2024), some reports came on social media platform X, claiming that he was found dead in Norway. However, no official confirmation has been made in this regard at present. Meanwhile, a post from the X handle @AzzatAlsaalem claimed, “Salwan Momika is alive.” Meanwhile, @ImtiazMadmood also said on X- My guess was right and it…

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Elon Musk Apologizes After Telling Norway Government’s Twitter Account As Nigeria, Know What He Said

Twitter: Twitter’s new boss Elon Musk on Wednesday responded to a post by Norway’s foreign ministry detailing how the social media site mistakenly attributed the Norwegian government’s Twitter account to that of Nigeria. Musk apologized for the mistake in one word and wrote, “Sorry!” Significantly, the mix-up was pointed out in a tweet on Tuesday by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry tagging Twitter support. In the post, it was mentioned that the Twitter handles of Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Storey and Foreign Minister Anneken Heutefeldt were being shown as Nigerian…

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