How does someone get security in India, who decides what level of security should be given to whom?

In India, you must have seen many politicians, actors and VVIPs accompanied by security personnel. But do you know what kind of security a person gets in India? Today we will tell you in which situation security is given to a political leader or a special person and who decides it.  Who gets security In India, high-grade security is provided to the President, Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, Union Ministers, MPs, MLAs, bureaucrats, former bureaucrats, judges, former judges, businessmen, cricketers, film stars, saints and some common people.  Who decides who will…

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This is the most dangerous force of India, a commando is prepared after tough training.

The Indian Army is the fourth largest army in the world. That is why the training of Indian Army soldiers is also very difficult. But do you know who is the most dangerous commando of India? Come, today we will tell you who is the most dangerous commando of India and how is their training.  NSG Commando The most dangerous commando of India Consists of National Security Guard (NSG). They are also known as Black Cat Commando. These commandos are dressed in black from head to toe. The most special…

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