Russia Warns US Vladimir Putin Says If US Deploy Missiles In Europe we will Relaunch Nuclear Weapon

Russia Warns US Vladimir Putin Says If US Deploy Missiles In Europe we will Relaunch Nuclear Weapon

Vladimir Putin warns America: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday (July 28) threatened the US by saying that if the US confirms its intention to deploy missiles in Germany or any part of Europe, he will resume the production of medium-range nuclear weapons. He said this during a naval parade in St. Petersburg. According to news agency AFP, he said, “If the United States implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted unilateral ban on the deployment of medium and short-range strike capabilities.” Putin said that…

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India increased the number of its nuclear weapons Pakistani youtuber Qamar Cheema raised the issue of China attack in Galwan

India increased the number of its nuclear weapons Pakistani youtuber Qamar Cheema raised the issue of China attack in Galwan

Nuclear Weapons of India : Countries around the world are engaged in strengthening their defense systems. India is also one of them. India has added 8 nuclear weapons to its stockpile last year, which has increased the number of nuclear weapons from 164 to 172. India now has more nuclear weapons than Pakistan. According to the report of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile is 170. Regarding this, Pakistani political commentator Qamar Cheema has said a big thing about India. Qamar Cheema first referred to the report on…

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NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg talks to deploy more nuclear weapons said face of a growing threat from Russia and China

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg talks to deploy more nuclear weapons said face of a growing threat from Russia and China

NATO Nuclear Weapons : Russian President Vladimir Putin is going on a visit to North Korea. Meanwhile, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) threatened nuclear weapons by naming Russia and China. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said, member countries should keep nuclear weapons deployed. He said all these things on June 17. Jens Stoltenberg said that in view of the increasing threat from Russia and China, talks are being held to deploy nuclear weapons, take them out of the arsenal and keep them on standby. According to the report of the…

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pakistan to make tunnel to nuclear facilities fear of indian strike satellite images reveal

pakistan to make tunnel to nuclear facilities fear of indian strike satellite images reveal

Pakistan Nuclear Facilities: The financial condition of India’s neighbouring country Pakistan is not hidden from anyone. Rising inflation in Pakistan is becoming a cause of trouble for the people, but despite this, some such satellite images have emerged from Pakistan, which have surprised everyone. Pakistan is building tunnels to keep its nuclear bomb bases safe. In fact, Vinayak Bhatt, a defense expert and former colonel in the Indian Army, has released some satellite images on his social media platform X. He claimed that Pakistan has built a large number of…

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America and Russia face to face in United Nations Security Council on issue of keeping nuclear weapons in space

America and Russia face to face in United Nations Security Council on issue of keeping nuclear weapons in space

Nuclear Weapons in Space: America and Russia are going to face each other in the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday (April 24) on the issue of nuclear weapons in space. America has prepared a draft proposal to stop weapons in space, on which voting is to be held today. Some diplomats have speculated that Russia may stop this draft. Actually, America has accused Russia that Russia is making space based weapons. America considers this campaign of Russia as dangerous for the world and itself. America has now raised this…

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Agni 5 Missile Testing What is MIRV technology Multiple Independently Targetable Re entry vehicles Mission Divyastra

Agni 5 Missile Testing What is MIRV technology Multiple Independently Targetable Re entry vehicles Mission Divyastra

MIRV Technology: India conducted the first successful testing of nuclear ballistic missile Agni-5 on Monday, March 11. Agni-5 missile has Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. With this, India has now joined the group of select countries with MIRV capability. Before this, only America, Russia, China, North Korea and Israel had this technology. MIRV technology was first developed by America during the Cold War. In MIRV, one missile can carry multiple warheads. Also, it can target many places. It can be taken anywhere via road. However, Agni missiles did…

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