Know why cesarean delivery is increasing, what are its dangers, you will be surprised to know the reason.

Know why cesarean delivery is increasing, what are its dangers, you will be surprised to know the reason.

Pregnancy Obesity: Nowadays, instead of normal delivery, children are being born through cesarean i.e. C-section. Its numbers are increasing rapidly. Cesarean delivery is harmful for both mother and child. C-section delivery is a good option for those women who for some reason have problems in normal delivery or natural birth. Therefore, normal delivery should be done instead of cesarean. IIT Madras has made a shocking revelation regarding this. Let us know about the study and side effects of IIT Madras regarding cesarean delivery… Report regarding cesarean delivery In India, delivery…

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There was a yellow area in Mukhtar Ansari’s heart! Know what this is and what does it mean?

There was a yellow area in Mukhtar Ansari’s heart!  Know what this is and what does it mean?

Gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari was laid to rest on March 30. But his family members are raising many questions regarding his death. Mukhtar Ansari was lodged in Banda jail of Uttar Pradesh. Where he died. According to the postmortem report, the cause of death is heart attack. Yellow spot means blood clot in the heart. According to the news published in Hindustan Times, Mukhtar Ansari’s autopsy report has clearly indicated blood clot formation in the heart. The 1.9X1.5 area of ​​the heart was yellow. That means a yellow spot has been…

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If you are eating till 12 o’clock in the night, it may cause major harm to your health.

If you are eating till 12 o’clock in the night, it may cause major harm to your health.

In this busy life, it becomes very difficult for people to find time. In such a situation, many people eat food from 12 to 1:00 in the night due to their office work or household chores. But do you know that eating food till late at night can cause great harm to our body. Today we will tell you that eating food till late night can make you a victim of many diseases. It has this effect Eating food till late night has a negative effect on health. . Due…

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Obesity is increasing rapidly in these countries, WHO gives special tips to lose weight

Obesity is increasing rapidly in these countries, WHO gives special tips to lose weight

Obesity: Obesity is a rapidly growing serious problem. Because of this many types of chronic diseases are spreading. If obesity is not controlled in time, the body can become home to diseases. A surprising report regarding obesity has been published in the medical journal Lancet. This shows that 9 of the most obese countries in the world are from the Pacific region only. These include islands like Fiji, Samoa, Solomon, Papua New Guinea and Micronesia. According to the report, obesity has been seen more in people aged 20 years and…

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If you lose just five percent weight, the risk of these diseases will reduce, heart and liver will get relief.

If you lose just five percent weight, the risk of these diseases will reduce, heart and liver will get relief.

World Obesity Day 2024: In the last few decades, increasing weight i.e. obesity has spread like an epidemic. Due to changed lifestyle and lack of physical activities, most people are unable to control their weight and start gaining weight. If seen, weight gain is such a medical condition which makes the body home to many types of diseases. Today, World Obesity Day (World Obesity Day 2024) is being celebrated all over the world to prevent obesity and make the public aware in this regard. What does research say about obesity?…

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Attention ! More than 1 billion people are victims of obesity, be careful, otherwise…

Attention !  More than 1 billion people are victims of obesity, be careful, otherwise…

Obesity: Overweight and obesity are becoming the biggest problems nowadays. Due to this, many types of chronic diseases are also occurring. This is the reason why this problem is becoming worrisome. Being overweight can also increase the risk of fatal diseases like diabetes, heart disease and heart attack. A recent study has raised serious concerns about this. It has been said that the way obesity is increasing in the world, many serious problems (Obesity Risk Factors) may increase in the future. Let us know why this report is alerting… what…

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Stress and obesity go together, know how it stores fat in the body

Stress and obesity go together, know how it stores fat in the body

Stress and Obesity: Do you know that the more stress you take, the more obesity also increases. Actually, stroke and obesity are lifestyle disorders and connected to each other. Nowadays, as stress is increasing rapidly in the busy lifestyle, obesity is also increasing at the same rate. This has also been proved in many researches. In such a situation, let us know what is the connection between stress and obesity and what harm it can cause… Stress increases the risk of obesity, how A study published in the National Library…

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13 Million Children In India Obese In 2022 Up From Million In 1990 Says Lancet Study

13 Million Children In India Obese In 2022 Up From Million In 1990 Says Lancet Study

So many crores of children in India are victims of obesity and malnutrition. According to a global data published in The Lancet Journal, obesity among children is increasing rapidly in India. In the year 2022, the weight of about 12.5 million children between the age of five to 19 years is increasing rapidly. Whereas in 1990 this figure was 0.4 million. Of the 12.5 million, 7.3 million were boys and 5.2 million were girls. The total number of children, adolescents and adults suffering from obesity worldwide has exceeded one billion.…

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Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason

Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason

  People who drink alcohol in excess often approach the doctor with liver problems. But have you ever wondered why alcohol attacks only the liver instead of other parts of the body? While talking to the media, a doctor has given some information regarding the liver. Today we will tell you why alcohol attacks the liver.  Arguments of those who drink alcohol People who drink alcohol often do many things in their mind. Let’s argue. Some people also say that alcohol melts the extra fat in the stomach. Some thin…

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Eating food at wrong time also causes heart attack, know expert’s opinion

Eating food at wrong time also causes heart attack, know expert’s opinion

In today’s busy life, many times we forget the right time to eat. Sometimes we become so busy with work till late at night that we even eat food late. But do you know that doing this can put our heart at risk? According to a recent research, eating food at the wrong time can increase the risk of heart attack. Let us know how eating food at wrong time increases the risk of heart attack.. Experts say that when we eat food late at night, our body’s biological clock…

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