law on adult content you can be jailed for watching adult content know what the law is

law on adult content you can be jailed for watching adult content know what the law is

The growing influence of the Internet and digital media in India has made access to pornographic content easier than ever before. But, do you know that watching pornographic content is a crime? The biggest thing is that if you watch a particular type of pornographic content, you can also be punished. Let us tell you in detail about the law related to this. What Indian law says The law regarding pornographic content in India is a bit confusing. Actually, according to Indian laws, it is illegal to produce, distribute and…

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How does the government check the obscene content of any website, OTT platform and app, do their operators get any punishment?

How does the government check the obscene content of any website, OTT platform and app, do their operators get any punishment?

Till a few decades ago, TV was the only source of entertainment available to humans. In such a situation, it was easy for the government and the organizations associated with it to keep an eye on the content shown on it. However, this is not the case now. There are thousands of OTT platforms on the internet which are serving content in an arbitrary manner. There are some OTT platforms which are serving a lot of obscene content to the viewers. This is the reason why recently the Government of…

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Porn Addiction Increasing In India Rapidly Third Largest Country Female Porn Consumers

Porn Addiction Increasing In India Rapidly Third Largest Country Female Porn Consumers

Porn Addiction In India: Crores of people in the world are addicted to something or the other, some are addicted to alcohol and some are addicted to cigarettes. One such addiction is that of watching porn, in the last few years there has been a rapid increase in the number of people who have become addicted to watching porn. The number of people watching such content is increasing rapidly in India. Today we are telling you how many people watch porn in India and which age group has more people…

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