Now this man has become the oldest man in the world his name registered in Guinness World Records

Do you know who is the oldest person in the world? Today we will tell you who is the oldest person in the world now? Let us tell you that recently John Tinniswood has become the oldest man in the world. His age is currently 111 years. Who was the oldest person before this? Let us tell you that this week 114 year old John Vicente Perez of Venezuela died. After this, Britain’s Tinniswood has now become the oldest man in the world. He has given credit for his long…

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Men Grow Old Faster Than Women Know What Research Says About It

Due to today’s fast life and pollution filled environment, people are starting to look old before their age. But those who take more care of their lifestyle and eat and drink well, they manage their growing age. However, in the midst of all this, a study surprised everyone because it said that the signs of aging appear faster in men than in women. So let’s know why this happens. why men age faster According to a research by Finland’s University of Jyväskylä, men biologically age faster than women. The reason…

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