The woman fell asleep in the field after getting drunk, in the morning an unknown person saw the condition of her feet and was shocked!

Risks increase a lot after a certain time in the life of the elderly. At a time when they need their loved ones the most, there is a high possibility of them being away from them. In such a situation, an example of how much danger their life can be in was seen recently. A homeless woman had fallen asleep in a field after drinking alcohol. But in the morning, the unknown person was shocked when he saw that she had lost her legs. This strange incident happened in Stavropol…

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Men Grow Old Faster Than Women Know What Research Says About It

Due to today’s fast life and pollution filled environment, people are starting to look old before their age. But those who take more care of their lifestyle and eat and drink well, they manage their growing age. However, in the midst of all this, a study surprised everyone because it said that the signs of aging appear faster in men than in women. So let’s know why this happens. why men age faster According to a research by Finland’s University of Jyväskylä, men biologically age faster than women. The reason…

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