Here boys are required to marry twice, otherwise they have to go to jail

In many places boys marry two or four times according to their wish. Whereas in our country i.e. India, if a boy marries twice in Hindu religion, he can be jailed. Do you know about a country where it is legally mandatory to marry twice? Here if a person does not marry twice, he can be sentenced to jail. Here it is necessary to have two marriages We are talking about the African country Eritrea, Where it is mandatory for men to marry twice. If someone doesn’t do this here, he…

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A person had gone for a walk in the forest, found such a treasure, as soon as people saw it, they told the truth of the video.

Many people wander from here to there in search of treasure. Some go to the forests and some look for treasures in the fields. Many videos related to this keep going viral on social media. Some of them find gold and silver from inside the drain and some get the treasure from underground. A similar video was recently shared on Instagram, which went viral within no time. The video has been shared by a user named @inst_trending_official_face, in which it is written that gold was found in the forest. It…

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Jugaad round table, a person sitting at home started enjoying 5 stars, people said – the idea should not go out of India

Many times different types of food are prepared together in our homes. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to serve them in one plate. Imagine, what would happen if you come across something like the kind of 56 Bhog that is prevalent in the Mithila region of Bihar? Certainly, sometimes you will find it difficult to pick up dal, sometimes you will face difficulty in putting raita, or sometimes different types of vegetables in the plate. But the video we are going to show you today will make it…

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There was a crowd outside the trial room, such sounds were coming from inside, people were surprised as soon as the door opened!

Many stories about the changing rooms in clothes shops go viral on social media. At some places a shopkeeper hides a camera and at some places couples are caught inside the changing room. One such video is going viral very fast, in which such sounds were coming from inside that all the people working in the shop gathered. He immediately asked me to leave the changing room. Actually, in this video, a boy suddenly enters the changing room i.e. trial room with a mobile in his hand and closes its…

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The boy wanted a bullet in dowry, the girl’s lover created a scandal, the bride ran away in front of everyone!

Even today, in many parts of the country, girls’ families have to face difficulties due to dowry. Many women lose their lives every day in the name of this evil practice. One such video related to dowry demand is going viral on Instagram. It can be seen that the groom sitting with the bride on the stage for Jaimal is refusing to marry. He is seen saying that he will not marry until he gets a bullet. Here behind, a blindfolded man fulfilled the bride’s demand and ran away with…

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