OpenAI CEO Sam Altman uses this application the most, ChatGPT is not the answer

Sam Altman, who launched Chat GPT, hosted by Bill Gates "Unconfuse Me" Told about his mobile habit in the podcast show. He told that he uses the company’s Chat GPT app very rarely. Sam Altman uses Slack application the most. He told that he uses this messaging app for work etc. and uses it more than email. That is, Sam uses this app a lot during the day.  After Slack, Sam uses this app more  In podcast shows. Sam told Bill Gates that after Slack, he uses Apple’s iMessage the…

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OpenAI Launched New Version Of GPT-3.5-Turbo And GPT-4 With Function Calling Capability

Microsoft-owned OpenAI released new versions of its text-generating AI models GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4 with a capability called function calling. Are. Developers can now describe functions for GPT-4-0613 and GPT-3.5-turbo-0613, and the model itself selects the JSON object to output, OpenAI said in a blogpost on Tuesday. This is a new way to more tightly integrate the capabilities of GPT with external devices and APIs. Upgrade and deprecation process started for initial version Reportedly, with the function calling capability, developers can create chatbots that answer questions with the help of external…

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Challenge Accepted: Tech Mahindra CEO CP Gurnani Reply To OpenAI CEO Sam Altman On AI Device Manufacturing In India

Tech Mahindra CEO CP Gurnani has accepted the challenge of Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI. Altman recently said that Indian companies cannot compete with their Silicon Valley counterparts on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Sam Altman is currently on a tour of six countries, including India. Rajan Anandan asked a question According to the news, in an event on OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who was visiting India, Rajan Anandan, former Google Vice President of India and South East Asia, was asked whether India could develop an artificial intelligence device…

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman On India Visit, Will Meet To Pm Narendra Modi, Discussed With Amitabh Kant

Sam Altman, CEO of Artificial Intelligence technology platform OpenAI, reached India on Wednesday. Altman PM Narendra Modi Will also meet from The CEO expressed happiness over the enthusiasm and acceptance of ChatGPT in India. According to the news of The Economic Times, Altman (OpenAI CEO Sam Altman) said that India has truly adopted ChatGPT. Here the users have adopted it very quickly. need to clear up the confusion According to the news, CEO Sam Altman said that OpenAI is not currently training the GPT 5 model. He says that before…

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