how to make organic fertilizer from cow dung cakes know the process

how to make organic fertilizer from cow dung cakes know the process

Organic Fertilizer: For a good crop, it is very important to have the right soil, right climate and right irrigation. And it is important to give right fertilizer to the crop at the right time. So that the growth of the crop can be good. Farmers generally use chemical fertilizers available in the market in their fields. Due to which the crop gets damaged. Therefore, it is also advised by agricultural scientists that farmers should use more and more organic fertilizers in the fields instead of chemical fertilizers. That is…

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instead of buying it from the market make fertilizer yourself at home know the process

instead of buying it from the market make fertilizer yourself at home know the process

Natural Fertilizer: Use of chemicals in anything is considered extremely dangerous. Regarding the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, experts are of the opinion that chemical fertilizers should be avoided. This causes damage to the crop. Instead of this you can use natural fertilizer. Which you can make yourself at home. For this you will not have to spend much money. And good fertilizer will be prepared for your crop. Let us know in which ways you can prepare natural fertilizer. make fertilizer from cow dung The method of making…

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