The child had got a lot of homework, the angry father called the police, what happened next was amazing…

You will find more than one person in the world, whose activities will leave you stunned. Although children and their parents get troubled by the homework given in school, but hardly anyone will do what one person did. This whole incident is quite funny, you too will be surprised to hear it. Generally children are taught by their parents only. A man in America got so upset after seeing his son’s homework that he called the child’s school. When he did not get a satisfactory answer from there, the man…

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Neptune And Uranus Are Not Blue, New Research Reveals Their True Color

All the planets of the solar system are very different, but similarities are also seen in many planets. There are many similarities between Earth and Mars, while Earth and Venus have some similarities despite having many differences. Something similar happens in the planets Uranus and Neptune also. In fact, a new research in Britain has revealed that the color of the last planets of the solar system, Neptune and Uranus, is not blue. What does the research say? Now a new research has been done under the leadership of British…

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