These are the 5 largest rain forests in the world, see the list

World Rainforest Day is celebrated today on 22 June. This day promotes awareness about the importance of rainforests around the world. We all know how important it is to have trees and plants for life on earth. If clean water, air and oxygen are reaching humans on earth today, then it is possible only because of dense forests. Today we will tell you which are the 5 largest rainforests in the world.  World Rainforest Day All living beings, including humans and animals, need oxygen to live on earth. Today, oxygen…

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World Rainforest Day: Why is World Rainforest Day celebrated, know how important these forests are for the earth

This year, most countries around the world are suffering from severe heat. Temperatures are rising even in countries and states that were considered cold places. The biggest reason for this is deforestation globally. Today, on 22 June, World Rainforest Day is celebrated. This day promotes awareness about the importance of rainforests around the world. If clean water, air and oxygen are reaching humans on earth today, it is possible only because of dense forests. But due to their continuous lack, the world is struggling with global warming today. According to…

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World Wind Day how were air and oxygen created on Earth science history

World Wind Day 2024: Worldwide 15 July is being celebrated as World Air Day2007 It was celebrated for the first time in, Air is an important part of our life but very few people think about its importance, In such a situation, has this thought ever come to your mind that how oxygen is produced on earth and how air was created?, Let us know this today on this special occasion, How air was created on earth, If life was not possible on Earth today, perhaps no one would be…

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World Wind Day: How were air and oxygen created on earth? This is the correct answer

World Wind Day 2024: around the world 15 July is being celebrated as World Air Day. It was first celebrated in 2007. Air is an important part of our life but very few people think about its importance. In such a situation, has this thought ever come to your mind that how oxygen is produced on earth and how air was created? ? Let us know this today on this special occasion. How was air created on earth? If life were not possible on Earth today, perhaps no one would…

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What will happen if oxygen doubles on Earth know how the whole world will change

Everyone knows that whether it is a human being or any living being, oxygen is very important for everyone. It is because of oxygen that all living beings on earth exist, in such a situation, if oxygen disappears from the earth for just 5 seconds, then there will be a situation of devastation on the earth. Buildings will collapse, vehicles will not run, all machines will stop and many such things can happen which we and you cannot even imagine. In such a situation, have you ever thought that what…

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know which plants which provide oxygen even at night plant them in the room for good health

Plants Provide Oxygen At Night: These days summer season is going on in India. In such weather, people going out of their homes has reduced considerably. People like to live around trees in the summer season. So that they can get good fresh air. Many people also plant plants at home during the summer season. So that the environment of the house remains good. Today we will tell you about some indoor plants to be planted at home. Which provides oxygen even at night. By planting these plants, the environment…

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what is thermobaric rocket that absorb oxygen from atmosphere know the details

Thermobaric Rocket: Science has progressed a lot. In the last few decades, the world has accomplished many seemingly unsuccessful tasks with the help of science. Now the old styles of almost all the works are changing. And these changes are also being seen in the style of war. There has been a war going on between Russia and Ukraine for the last few years. The armies of both the countries are fighting among themselves. Russia is much more powerful than Ukraine and also has modern weapons. These days Russia is…

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If there is no oxygen in space, how does the Sun burn? Have you ever wondered the answer?

You must have heard and read this from your school life that oxygen is required for fire to burn. According to scientific evidence, there is no oxygen in space. If there was oxygen in space, life would be possible there too. In such a situation, the question arises that how does the Sun burn so fast in space without oxygen. American space agency NASA answers this. How does the Sun burn in space? According to NASA, the Sun does not burn. Like we think of burning wood and paper. Actually…

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Earth Runs out of Oxygen: What will happen if the Earth runs out of oxygen for just 5 seconds? This will be the condition of buildings

Oxygen is most important for life on earth. It is difficult to imagine life and earth without oxygen. But have you ever thought what could happen if oxygen runs out from the earth for just 5 seconds? Today we will tell you about it.  Oxygen on Earth You must have seen many times that some people stop breathing for several minutes. Are. In such a situation, the question is, what will happen in 5 seconds without oxygen? But let us tell you that due to lack of oxygen for just…

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Oxygen leaking from Venus, is it a threat to Earth? Scientists are not able to understand the reason

Venus is called the planet of hell, because if any human goes here, he will be destroyed in a moment. The conditions here are such that no living creature can survive here. Not only animals, but also no equipment will be able to work here, because such dangerous things keep coming out from its surface, which are going to destroy everything. A few years ago, scientists had confirmed the presence of oxygen on Venus. But now it is being said that oxygen and carbon are slowly leaking from the planet…

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