Brown Rice Benefits Is Good For Health

Brown Rice Benefits Is Good For Health

Brown rice benefits: Grains are beneficial in many diseases by strengthening the immune system. Their use is good for health. Rice is used as food in many states including South India. Rice is seen as the main crop of Kharif. In such a situation, the state governments try to increase the yield of rice at all costs. This has an effect on grain storage. Due to high yield, the central and state governments get assured about the consumption. Brown rice is considered very important in terms of health. Today let’s…

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Satha Paddy Has Been Banned In UP’s Rampur Due To Excessive Water Absorption

Satha Paddy Has Been Banned In UP’s Rampur Due To Excessive Water Absorption

Paddy Cultivation In UP: Falling water level is not the problem of only one state in India. The water level is falling rapidly in most of the states. Experts say that the reason behind the falling water level is the indiscriminate use of water by people. The falling water level in Uttar Pradesh has become a matter of concern for the experts. There are 75 districts in the state and there is a ban on water exploitation in many districts. They have been included in the dark zone. But now…

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