Pakistan Balochistan is situated between Iran Afghanistan and Arabian Sea know what is the total population

Pakistan Balochistan is situated between Iran Afghanistan and Arabian Sea know what is the total population

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan. But despite that, there is never peace in this province. There are always reports of firing from here. Today we will tell you between which three countries Balochistan is situated and how it joined Pakistan. Know what is the history of Balochistan, due to which blood is always shed there. Balochistan Balochistan province has the largest area in India’s neighboring country Pakistan. This is the reason why Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan. But despite being the largest province, its population is…

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Iran Pakistan Conflict Jaish Al Adal Militant Group

Iran Pakistan Conflict Jaish Al Adal Militant Group

Jaish Al Adal: The Iranian army on Tuesday attacked Pakistan’s Baluchistan area with missiles and drones. Iran claimed that the terrorist organization Jaish al-Adl has established a base in this area. After this attack, diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Iran also turned sour. Pakistan recalled its diplomats from Iran and closed its doors to Iranian diplomats in Pakistan. On Thursday (January 18), Pakistan also carried out air strikes in Iran’s territory. Terrorist organization Jaish-al-Adal has also reacted to the attack. The organization wrote on its Telegram channel Adal Media, β€œIran…

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Pakistani Public Angry Over Jammu Kashmir Issue Threat Indian Army Say We Cut Them In Pieces If Army Enter Pak Soil

Pakistani Public Angry Over Jammu Kashmir Issue Threat Indian Army Say We Cut Them In Pieces If Army Enter Pak Soil

Pakistani Threat Indian Army On Jammu Kashmir: Kashmir has been a very sensitive issue between India and Pakistan. There have been more than 4 wars in the history between India and Pakistan regarding this issue. These wars took place between 1948 and 1999. However, despite all this, the tussle between India and Pakistan regarding Jammu and Kashmir continues. Recently, a Pakistani YouTuber went to the public and showed a video in which some Indian Kashmiris are seen saying that we and Balochistan will always be a part of India. Pakistani…

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