pakistan begged for loan shehbaz sharif and imf end without any agreement due to disagreement on new tax rule | Pakistan needs money at any cost! But IMF has put these conditions; Shahbaz said

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan’s economic condition is bad and inflation is at its peak. Pakistan is not getting any relief from the burden of debt. In such a situation, Pakistan has received a big shock from the International Monetary Fund. Where Pakistan’s talks with the IMF regarding the loan ended without any result. There was no agreement on income tax rates and tax on prices of agriculture and health sector, after which the IMF also stopped the talks. Inflation in Pakistan is at its peak. In such a situation, the…

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Pakistan Economic Crisis IMF said Pakistan again going to bankruptcy due to economic crisis

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan, desperate for every penny, is once again on the way to bankruptcy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned about the economic situation of Pakistan in its recent report. The IMF said in its report released on Friday that the economic threat to Pakistan is at an exceptionally high level. This report has come just before the organization’s final talks with Pakistan, in such a situation some experts believe that the IMF is also in no mood to give loan. In the report of the International…

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Has Pakistan Become Beggars Land Pakistani Expert Gives Shocking Reply To This Question Of Youtuber

Pakistan Economic Crisis: The command of Pakistan is once again in the hands of PML-M leader Shahbaz Sharif. He took oath as the new Prime Minister of Pakistan on Monday (4 March). On Sunday (March 3), PML-N and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) joint candidate Shehbaz Sharif got 201 votes in the 336-member House, which is 32 more than the required number of votes to become the leader of the House. Shahbaz Sharif has become the 24th Prime Minister of Pakistan, which is facing crisis on many fronts including the economy.…

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Pakistan has only 30 days, debt of 3 billion dollars also exhausted, Moody’s rings alarm bell

Pakistan is currently going through an economic and political crisis. Meanwhile, global rating agency Moody’s has reduced the credit rating of Pakistan. Moody’s report says that due to the ongoing political crisis in Pakistan, it may have to face a serious economic crisis. Also, the incoming government will have a big challenge to rescue the country from serious economic crisis. Moody’s has claimed that due to political uncertainties, it will be difficult for the new government of Pakistan to approach the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a new loan in…

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After Flour And Oil Now Pakistan Will Yearn For Water As Well United Nation New Report

The neighboring country Pakistan, which is struggling with financial crisis, is dependent on grains at this time. But his trouble is not going to end only… A report has been issued by the United Nation University, according to which he will have to yearn for water as well. On Thursday, the United Nations University released Global Water Security 2023. It was said in this report that there are 33 countries in three different geographical regions where the water crisis is going to increase. Pakistan is also included in the list…

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Pakistan Economic Crisis Shehbaz Sharif Govt Relation With India Why Foreign Exchange Reserves Dropped And Inflation High Expert | Pakistan Crisis: Stronghold of Terrorists, Burden of Foreign Loans and Inflation… Why Pakistan is Ruined

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan is currently facing a serious economic crisis. The country’s rupee has gone down to a historic low of 275 against the US dollar. Due to the huge increase in inflation, the problems of the common people have increased a lot. The country’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen to the lowest level since 1998 by around US$ 3 billion. Due to the huge shortage in Foreign Exchange Reserves, the government of Shehbaz Sharif is now refraining from importing many essential things. Why was Pakistan ruined? According to…

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Pakistan Economic Crisis State Bank Of Pakistan Inform That Pakistan’s Foreign Exchange Reserves Fall Below Three Billion Dollar

Pakistan Economic Crisis: At present, the economic condition of Pakistan is very bad. Nowadays Pakistan is facing problems in every field due to lack of money. Pakistan has a debt of 103 million dollars. Today on February 9, Pakistan’s State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) informed that the new foreign exchange reserves declared after February 3 have come down from $170 million to $2.9 million. At the same time, talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding the release of money under the bailout program are closed. Right now Pakistan is…

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Pakistan Safer Country Than India How Can People Trust Gallup Survey Amid Economic Crisis And Inflation

Gallup Survey on Pakistan: Pakistan is currently passing through a period of severe economic crisis. The country’s economy has deteriorated a lot. There is a fear of bankruptcy of the country and common Pakistanis are facing the brunt of skyrocketing inflation. The prices of essential things have increased a lot. Meanwhile, in this survey released last year by Gallup Law and Order Index, Pakistan was placed at number 42 in the list with a score of 82. It is also difficult for many families to get bread for June 2.…

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Pakistan Economic Crisis IMF Dr Krishnamurthy Subramanian Over Demonetisation And Pakistani Rupees

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan is going through a severe economic crisis. The country’s economy has completely deteriorated. Inflation is so high that people have to think for bread till June 2. There is a huge shortage of Foreign Exchange Reserves. Meanwhile, the period of decline in Pakistan Rupees against the dollar continues. The Pakistani rupee has fallen to 276.58 against the dollar. Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian, Executive Director of IMF, has shared a chart regarding the fall in Pakistani rupee. Is the Pakistani rupee beaten further after demonetisation? IMF Executive Director…

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Fear Of Terrorists And Economic Crisis In Pakistan, 8 Lakh Youths Left The Country Amid Plight

Pakistan Crisis: On the one hand, there is a fear of terrorist attacks in the neighboring country Pakistan, while on the other hand, the people are suffering due to economic crisis. The Pakistani economy is getting ruined. In such a situation, more educated youth are leaving this country and going abroad and living there. Many youths no longer trust Pakistan to fulfill their dreams. That is why in the last one year, 8 lakh youths left the country. Pakistani youth leaving the country According to a Gallup survey, Pakistani youth…

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