Ram Mandir Ancient Temple Of Lord Ram In Pakistan Built By Hindu King Man Singh

Ram Mandir Ancient Temple Of Lord Ram In Pakistan Built By Hindu King Man Singh

Ram Mandir: A grand temple of Ramlala has been built in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, in which Ramlala will be consecrated on 22 January 2024. There is discussion everywhere about Ram temple of Ayodhya. Actually, there are many temples of Lord Ram in the country and the world. But do you know that there is a temple of Lord Ram in the neighboring country Pakistan also. It is said that this temple was built by a Hindu king and this temple is also quite ancient. It is also claimed that Lord…

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Pakistan Ram Mandir There Is A Special Ram Temple In Pakistan Too It Was Built By This Rajput King Of India

Pakistan Ram Mandir There Is A Special Ram Temple In Pakistan Too It Was Built By This Rajput King Of India

At present, Ram Temple is being discussed everywhere in India. Ayodhya is currently a topic of discussion in the country because of Ram temple. But do you know that there is a Ram temple in Pakistan also. The most important thing is that this temple has great recognition and the people there still worship in this temple. Let us tell you today the story of this Ram temple in Pakistan, along with this we will also tell you who was the Hindu king who built this temple in Pakistan. Where…

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