hast rekha on your hand also reveal secret of health how to detect gout rog STD by palmistry

hast rekha on your hand also reveal secret of health how to detect gout rog STD by palmistry

Hast Rekha Shastra: According to palmistry, if a constellation is found on the Mount of Moon, then it is a sign of stomach disease. Such people remain suffering from stomach diseases throughout their life. A round island on the heart line, yellowing of the brain line below the Mount of Saturn, a black mark on the Mars area near the age line, a black mole or island on the heart line indicate sudden fainting and heart attack in the person’s life. Yellowing of hands and nails, appearance of spots on…

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Palmistry Life For Luck These Line Or Mark On The Palm Make Person Lucky According To Hastrekha Vigyan

Palmistry Life For Luck These Line Or Mark On The Palm Make Person Lucky According To Hastrekha Vigyan

Palmistry: It is said in palmistry that there are many marks in the palm whose existence is a matter of luck. Such marks appear on the palm due to very virtuous deeds and those who have them in their palm are definitely rich and fortunate. People with such palm lines always progress in life. In palmistry, not only the lines on the hands but also the marks present on the hands have been explained in detail. Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that, according to palmistry, if a person has Gaj…

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Palmistry Child Line In Hand Indicate The Number Of The Children Hast Rekha Gyan

Palmistry Child Line In Hand Indicate The Number Of The Children Hast Rekha Gyan

Palm Reading: Very interesting information has been given in palmistry on the basis of palm lines. A lot can be known about a person’s nature and his future from this information. Today we are going to talk about those lines of the palm from which the total number of children a person will have can be known. Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that many interesting things related to palmistry have been told. Mount of Mercury gives a sign of child happiness According to Jyotishcharya, there are some such lines on…

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