Pappu Bhaiyaโ€™s sweet and sour samosas! The recipe is very special, fans consume 2000 pieces every day

Pappu Bhaiyaโ€™s sweet and sour samosas! The recipe is very special, fans consume 2000 pieces every day

Reva: Potato and samosa are evergreen in India. Their demand never decreases. But, sweet and sour samosas are available at Neem Chowk in Rewa. These samosas have become the favourite of people not only in Rewa but also in the entire Vindhya region. Not only samosa, Pappu Bhaiya who makes samosa has also become famous. People from the entire Vindhya region come to eat Pramod Gupta aka Pappu Bhaiyaโ€™s samosas. Pramod Gupta came to Rewa from his village Amarkantak in 2014 and started selling samosas on a cart. He setโ€ฆ

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