Strange sounds were coming from the kitchen, the woman thought it was a ghost, when cameras were installed such a scene was captured, she was stunned after seeing it

There are many claims about whether ghosts exist or not. Many people see scary images in the house, while some feel someone following them. This is what happened with a woman. She was repeatedly scared by the sound of something following her. She felt that there was a ghost trying to grab her. Strange noises were heard at night. To know the truth, CCTV cameras were installed in the entire house. Then such a scene was captured in it that she was stunned. According to the Mirror report, the woman…

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Mysterious man story being suddenly it rains wherever he goes The Rain Man don decker

The Rain Man Don Decker: Many times such incidents happen in the world, which keep people confused for years. The more you think about them, the more strange they seem but no solution is found for them. One such story is of a person who became famous because of his mysterious power. The funny thing was that he himself did not know anything about this power but the people around used to get scared of it. The person we are talking about was shocking the American people in the 1980s.…

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