Major Data Breach: 995 Crore Passwords Exposed by Hackers, Report knows details

Major Data Breach: 995 Crore Passwords Exposed by Hackers, Report knows details

Major Data Breach: A major case of cyber attack has come to light, in which hackers have stolen 995 crore passwords, which is considered to be the biggest data leak till date. This incident has exposed the vulnerabilities of cyber security and has put people’s personal information at risk. According to a Forbes report, a hacker team named ObamaCare has leaked 995 crore passwords. This information has come to light in a report named Rockyou2024, which states that this data leak is the largest group of passwords used for online…

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Apple WWDC Event 2024 iPhone MacBook Passwords App iOS 18 Operating System know details

Apple WWDC Event 2024 iPhone MacBook Passwords App iOS 18 Operating System know details

Apple WWDC Event 2024: If you are also an Apple user, then you will be well aware of how difficult it is to remember its password. Now you do not need to worry about this because a solution is going to be found for this. Apple is working on a password manager app which will be for iPhone as well as MacBook. Apple’s password manager app will be named ‘Passwords’. It is being said that this app can be announced at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference on June 10. Many…

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How to share wifi without sharing password in android and iphone

How to share wifi without sharing password in android and iphone

Password: In today’s digital world, internet has become a necessity for everyone. But sometimes we are unable to use the internet if we forget or cannot find the Wi-Fi password. The solution to this problem is now possible through technological advancement. Both Android and iPhone devices have the facility to share Wi-Fi connection through QR code. Now users can connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password by just scanning a QR code. At the same time, it is also possible to connect to Wi-Fi without a password through new technologies…

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Most Common Used Passcodes at atm and smartphones check if you are in list

Most Common Used Passcodes at atm and smartphones check if you are in list

Most Commonly Used Passcodes: Along with the use of Internet, there has been a significant change in its security as well. But the cases of cyber attacks have also increased equally rapidly. Recently, Check Point Software Technologies Limited has said in its report that the cases of cyber attacks have increased by 33 percent in the first quarter of the year 2024. Cyber ​​criminals are also targeting business and government sectors. It has also been revealed in the report that many people use very simple PIN or passcode. With a…

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Beware Of Quishing Scam Here Is How To Protect Yourself From QR Code Frauds

Beware Of Quishing Scam Here Is How To Protect Yourself From QR Code Frauds

In this digital era, we all use UPI apps to make payments. With UPI apps, we can transfer money to each other’s account by scanning the QR code. Cyber ​​criminals are now targeting people in this manner. Actually, these days Quishing scam is happening with many people in the market in which fraudsters are targeting people through fake QR. In Quishing scam, people’s personal details are stolen through fake QR codes. Scammers can place these QR codes anywhere. For example, if you click on any website, ads etc. then it…

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When Was First Password Invented And By Whom Reason Behind The Invention

When Was First Password Invented And By Whom Reason Behind The Invention

When was the first digital password invented? Today the option of setting a password is available in even the smallest smartphones. Password protects our phone from others. Don’t know how the world would have been functioning if there was no password today. We all keep passwords in our smartphones, laptops, tablets, even in the lockers where we keep our money. But have you ever wondered when the world’s first password was created and who created it? Why was it needed at all? Today we will tell you about this. This…

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How Often You Should Change Your Password Here Is The Answer

How Often You Should Change Your Password Here Is The Answer

How to make strong password: Data is very valuable in this digital age. The more confidential data he has, the greater his threat. If hackers today hack the bank system and steal its data, then think they have everything. That is, data matters everything in this digital age. Your money, home, personal things – videos or photos – everything is data. If it accidentally falls into someone else’s hands, then he can misuse it. To keep the data secure, it is necessary to have a strong password. The more strong…

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Most Common Passwords Used By People Across The Globe Change Your Password If Same

Most Common Passwords Used By People Across The Globe Change Your Password If Same

Most Common Password: In olden times, people used to use locks and keys to protect the goods kept inside the box from others. Now is the digital age and people use passwords to keep their details safe instead of locks and keys. All of you will also have many accounts whose passwords you must have created according to your convenience. Be it a bank account, social media account, office login or school digital account, people keep passwords to keep them all secure. Some people keep the password in such a…

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