Does it take a lot of time to make pasta? Try this recipe, a super tasty dish will be prepared in minutes

Does it take a lot of time to make pasta? Try this recipe, a super tasty dish will be prepared in minutes

Instant Pasta Recipe: Most of the children these days like to eat pasta. But children often ask for it suddenly. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to make it immediately because making pasta takes a lot of time and effort. But with the recipe mentioned here, you can prepare tasty pasta in minutes as soon as the children demand it. If you want, you can also add your favorite vegetables to the pasta and make it more healthy. Not only this, if you do not want to use refined…

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Pizza with shrimp toppings! Corn and cheese are old, now people are eating this worm, its price is more than ₹5,000

Pizza with shrimp toppings! Corn and cheese are old, now people are eating this worm, its price is more than ₹5,000

Italian Jhingur pizza: We often hear such news that if a worm is found in the food in a restaurant, the restaurant has to apologize. Even in our homes, if a worm is found in the food, the housewives never serve that food. But imagine if you go to a restaurant where you see crickets on the pizza in the plate? No, you cannot ask for a refund from this restaurant. In fact, crickets on the pizza are a specialty here. We are talking about Italy where people are being…

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