know the rules regarding body shaming do not call anyone fat or dwarf otherwise you may have go to jail

Rules Regarding Body Shaming: All Indian citizens have freedom of expression under Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution. That means any citizen can do or say whatever he wants. There will be no restriction of any kind on that. But nowadays people are using freedom of expression in very wrong ways. People say many such things as an individual’s freedom. Which perhaps he shouldn’t have said. In the name of freedom of expression, people are doing a lot of body shaming these days. That means calling people fat, dwarf, if…

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What action can be taken by Railways for traveling without ticket

It is very important to have a ticket while traveling by train. If someone does not do this then Railways can take action against them. Many times there are reports of action by Railways, but do you know what action can be taken by the Railway Police if you travel without a ticket. If not then let us know. What action can Railways take if train ticket is not taken?Let us tell you that if a person is caught traveling by train without a ticket, then according to the railway…

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Know how much penalty is imposed if the electricity bill is not paid on time for two months.

Every person has to pay electricity bill. In whose name the electricity connection is and who uses it. Electricity bill comes according to electricity consumption. Some people consume more electricity. So some people do less. In some states, governments also provide free electricity up to a few units. For example, 200 units of electricity is given free in Delhi. If you do not pay the electricity bill on time, you are penalized. But if you have not paid the electricity bill for two consecutive months, then do you know how…

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