China Covid Policy Fresh Clash Between Protesters And Police In Southern City

China Covid Policy Fresh Clash Between Protesters And Police In Southern City

China Coronavirus Situation: Corona’s havoc in China is continuously increasing. Opposition to China’s Zero Covid Policy continues. Meanwhile, news of fresh clashes between police and protesters has come to the fore in southern China city. According to the news agency AFP, there has been a clash between Chinese citizens and police against the Corona restrictions in the southern city of China. On Wednesday (November 30), 37612 new cases of corona have been reported in China. China’s top security body warned late on Tuesday that authorities would take negative action on…

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China Protesters Are Using Dating Apps To Evade Censors And Dodging The Government

China Protesters Are Using Dating Apps To Evade Censors And Dodging The Government

China COVID Protest: There is an outcry in China over the ‘Zero Covid Policy’. Due to the strict rules made regarding Corona, Chinese President Xi Jinping is now getting surrounded in his own country. Troubled by the ‘Zero Covid Policy’, people have now taken to the streets and have opened a front against the government. At the same time, force is also being used to suppress the voice of the protesters. Even after this, the government is not able to control the protest. The game of cat and mouse continues…

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