Menstruation or periods are an important phase in the life of any girl. Menstruation is a sign that a girl’s body is getting ready for the future. According to science, as soon as menstruation starts, many hormonal changes take place in the body. It can be understood in this way that women’s body becomes ready to become a mother only after periods arrive. Getting periods is a normal and natural process. Despite this, it is not considered good in many places. Girls are considered impure during their periods and many…
Read MoreTag: period pain
women health leg cramps reason before periods in hindi
Leg Cramps Before Period : Periods are a sign of girls or women being healthy. Periods are a normal process. During this time, many changes take place in the body of women. They also have to face many problems during periods. In some women and girls, many symptoms start appearing in the body even before periods. They start having cramps, tremors or pain in their legs. There can be many reasons for this. Let’s know… Why do legs start trembling before periods 1. Hormonal changes During periods, there is a…
Read MoreKnow everything about Dysmenorrhea Does period pain worsen with age read full article in Hindi
Pain during periods is a common thing. Also, it is very difficult to understand when this pain turns from normal to dangerous. However, if a woman experiences a lot of pain, then first of all she should make some special changes in her lifestyle and diet. With this, you can control your period pain to some extent. Causes of increased pain during periods Today we will talk about whether period pain increases with age. The reason for increasing period pain is called dysmenorrhea. But the kind of severe pain experienced…
Read MoreWhy do girls feel pain during periods, know the answer to this question today
Why do girls feel pain during periods: Women experience a lot of pain during their menstrual cycle, i.e. periods, they feel stiffness and rigidity in the stomach and it feels like something is being pulled from inside, which is also called period cramps. However, this happens due to physical and hormonal changes. But often women ask what is the reason behind the pain felt during periods? So let us answer this question of yours today and tell you what is the reason behind the pain during periods. Causes of pain…
Read MoreHome remedy and tips for periods pain how to get relief in periods pain
Period Pain: According to the biology of women’s body, they have to go through menstrual cycle every month. Sometimes it comes and goes away after a few days, but sometimes its occurrence is so painful that it becomes difficult to bear, it becomes difficult for the girls to even get up and the body starts breaking down. In such a situation, let us know how we can get relief from painful pain or cramps during periods- What causes pain during periods? 1. Primary Dysmenorrhea:During periods, your body releases hormones, which…
Read MorePeriod Symptoms That Should Not Be Ignored
Periods Symptoms: Some symptoms appear on the body of women during periods. Due to which women have to face many problems. Like stomach ache, back pain, anger, irritability, headache. Along with all these, many types of changes are seen in the body of women during periods. Many women have to face a lot of pain during periods. At the same time, one has to face a lot of bleeding and pain. If you are also seeing some special symptoms during periods, then do not ignore it even by mistake. If…
Read More20 Yrs Florida Girl Develops 45 Kg Ovarian Tumor Get Proper Treatment
Ovarian Cyst The Size of an exercise ball: Even a small lump in the stomach or any part of the stomach causes trouble. Think how would you feel if such a lump takes the shape of a tumor and weighs up to 45 kg. Allison Fisher, 20, living in Florida was also going through a similar problem. Whose ovary had a tumor of about 45 kg. But fearing the cost of treatment, she shied away from going to the doctors. Due to this neglect, the tumor present in the ovary…
Read MoreHeavy Periods: Why do some women have heavy periods? When is it necessary to see a doctor? learn
Menstrual Problem: Periods are a personal and private topic for many women around the world. She does not discuss this topic with anyone else. This is the reason why she silently struggles with her period cycle. Dr Susanna Unsworth, Women’s Health Expert for the National Health Service spoke to many women about this. All these women have faced the problem of periods and they have considered it normal. According to the report of The Mirror, Dr. Susanna Unsworth told in the conversation that how many days the periods should be?…
Read MoreIrregular Periods Your Periods Always Late Eat These Foods Daily
Irregular Periods: All women have to face the problem of periods every month. Women have more trouble than the unbearable pain during periods, when periods do not come on time, either with delay or come quickly. Such irregular periods become a cause of concern. The menstrual cycle repeats itself after 28 days and all women experience menstruation on day 3-6. However, if periods do not come on time, then it can also be a matter of great concern. This is because irregular periods are a symptom of PCOS. There are…
Read MoreWhy Your Periods Are Very Heavy Painful When To Meet Doctor Know From Expert
Women Health: Most of the women have to suffer unbearable pain during the periods that occur every month. The pain in the stomach, waist and thighs causes stiffness in the whole body. Although every woman experiences pain during periods, but in some women its pain is so much that they are forced to cry many times. From debilitating cramps to cramping, millions of women go through menstrual pain every month. But is it normal to have unbearable pain? Or is it a sign of a bigger physical problem? A test…
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